
These Terms of Use govern your use of the websites, anbfl.org and all subdomains, as well as other associated products and services provided by A New Beginning 2020 Corporation (the "Company"). This Terms of Use is a legal contract between you, the ("User") and the company.

The primary use of the website is for informational purposes. You as the user may use the site to gain info about the company and the offered services, and you may contact the company for more information and to request services. All of the material on the website is either open-source, or the property of A New Beginning 2020 Corporation. The logo and all variations are the sole property of A New Beginning 2020 Corporation. You may not use, or repost any portion of the media on the website without written approval from A New Beginning 2020 Corporation, a co-owner of the copyright(s), or one of the authorized representatives. Failure to comply may result in legal action.

Any questions? Contact Us

For any questions about our Terms of Use, please contact us via email by filling out the contact form, or clicking the support link in the footer to email us directly.
